5 Days until Launch

There is less than a week until the launch of my debut novel. It's taken a long time to get here and I'm both excited and terrified.

It's obvious why I'm excited--I get to share my story with the world. I've dreamed of this for years. While I've had short stories published before, and I've had a Christian non-fiction published--Cling to God: A Daily Devotional--this is my first novel released upon the world.

I don't even know why I'm terrified. Maybe because of the same reasons as above: It's my first novel. This is a slice of me for all the world to see. And, with a little help from friends and colleagues, I've done it myself. I even did the cover myself. Not something I'd recommend other writers to do unless you have a background in graphic design and an understanding of book cover design. Being an artist isn't enough. But I digress. My point is, it's all me.

And now back to the excitement: Five days to go!! Wooooooo!!

Get your pre-order in now because when my book hits the shelves in five days, the price will be going up.


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